Below an overview of all the identified building sites for cabins (max. 23 guest cabins), meeting spaces (6), staff housing (2), the (7) pools of the hotsprings (bottom of page) and of course the hotel.

The total m2 of construction will be just under 5.000 m2 (just under 54.000 sq. ft.) Each site is numbered according to the Google Earth image below and offer 2 or more pictures and a panoramic video.
This is work in progress so not all pictures are up an not all sites are listed yet. The white circles reflect the range of the mobile crane we plan to use to place the cabin modules on their foundations.
Please note this page is not listed in the menu so remember the URL above.
Warning: these site are spectacular !!!! The combination of topography and vegetation is simply perfect and allows hiding all cabins from each other. Yes, you may occasionally see the upper part of another cabin or look down on its roof but you can never look inside.
And add the fact that the cabins can be turned in any direction so you can enjoy the views you want at any time, from every space in the cabin.
(click for bigger pictures (above)) or click on this link for a high-resolution JPG file.
Cabin sites
Cabin 1
Cabin 1a
Cabin 2
Cabin 3
Cabin 4
Cabin 5
Cabin 6
Cabin 7a
Cabin 7
no images were found
Cabin 8
Cabin 9
Cabin 10a
Cabin 10
Cabin 11a
Cabin 11
Cabin 12
Cabin 13
Cabin 14
Cabin 15
Cabin 16
Cabin 17
Cabin 17a
Cabin 18
Cabin 19
Cabin 20
Cabin 21
Cabin 22
Cabin 23
Cabin 24
Cabin 25
Cabin 26
Cabin 27
Cabin 28
Cabin 29
Cabin 30
Cabin 31
Cabin 32
Cabin 33
Cabin 34a
Cabin 34
Cabin 35
Wheelchair accessible cabins (4)
We plan
Possible staff accommodation sites
Staff 1
Staff 2
Staff 3
Staff 5
Staff 6
Possible meeting rooms sites
Apologies for the numbering. I first did it on paper/Google Earth. In the field I discovered many more excellent sites. We’ll clean this up shortly.
Meeting 1
Meeting 2
Meeting room 3
Meeting room 3a
Meeting room 4
Meeting room 5
Meeting +
Meeting space Mx
Meeting space 33
Pool sites
Hot springs facilities
Pool 1
Pool 2
Pool 3
Pool 4
Pool 5